Divinely Vintage Ltd - Terms and Conditions

1.1 - Curtains remain the property of the Client until sold or otherwise disposed of by Divinely Vintage Ltd in accordance with Clause 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 below. Divinely Vintage therefore acts as an Agent for the owner of the curtains.

1.2 – Curtains are deposited with Divinely Vintage Ltd for an initial maximum period of six months, known as the Period of Deposit, unless otherwise sold or COLLECTED by the client during the Period of Deposit.

1.3 - At the end of the six month Period of Deposit the client shall contact Divinely Vintage to arrange for collection of their unsold curtains or otherwise agree with Divinely Vintage that the curtains may be disposed of to charity or otherwise. For collection purposes details of our address and postcode etc can be found via our Contact Us Page. Divinely Vintage may agree to extend the period of deposit for a period of time to be agreed with the client if it is thought that the curtains will still sell. An amended valuation may need to be agreed at this stage.

1.4 - If Divinely Vintage has not received any communication from the client by the end of the eighth month, 1.e. two months after the end of the six month Period of Deposit,  Divinely Vintage reserves the right to dispose of the curtains to charity or otherwise without further recourse to the client.

1.4 - Divinely Vintage does not post curtains back to the client at the end of the period of deposit but if a client requests that the curtains be  returned to the client by post at the end of the period of deposit or earlier, the client would have to pay for the cost of the label before the curtains can be posted out.

1.5 – Once curtains have been disposed of all claims thereto by the Client shall cease.

1.6 - During the Period of Deposit, Divinely Vintage Ltd shall offer the curtains for sale to potential customers and always aim to maximise the selling price.

1.7 – Divinely Vintage sells all client curtains on a 50/50 commission basis and all commissions shall be paid to the client the month after the curtains were sold but not until at least 30 days have passed since the curtains have been received by the customer to comply with the Company's 30 Day Returns Policy.

1.8 - All commissions are paid directly into the bank account of the client unless otherwise agreed with the client at the start of the Period of Deposit. Divinely Vintage does not issue cheques in payment of commissions and all payments are made by Direct Transfer (FPS) into the nominated bank account of the client if the bank account is in the UK or via the CHAPS system if the bank account is overseas.

1.9 – During the Period of Deposit, every effort is taken to protect the articles against fire, water, theft and/or damage. However no responsibility or liability is accepted by Divinely Vintage Ltd for loss or damage to articles deposited by Customers in any circumstances whatever that precede their sale during the Period of Deposit and all such risks of loss or damage shall remain solely with the Customer.

1.10 - Divinely Vintage Ltd reserves the right to reduce or vary the sale price at any time during the Period of Deposit providing such change is within the original valuation agreed with the client. Divinely Vintage Ltd will make contact with the client is it is felt necessary to amend the valuation from the original agreed figures before any reduction in price below the original valuation given to the client is made.

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